Problem and Project based Learning
The Birchbark House Geography activity
Community Garden Plan
Community Project and School Projects
Dude, You Gotta Move - about biomes
Drought Presentation
Eagles in your state
Fields, Meadows, and Fencerows EcoStudy Unit
Fourth of July Celebration Plan
GeoWeb - Put your town on the map Be a cyber cartographer
Global Warming and Climate Change
Government, Statistics and the Media
Great Outdoors Month
Habitat Project Digital Science Journal
Look into your Community's History
Make a country or state internet hunt
Oil Production - finding truth
Natural Resource Wars - Who wins?
Pennsylvania Energy and Global Warming - Look into it
Sell your town - Why should someone move to your town?
State facts - Explore a state by making a fact hunt
Surveying - Why?
Tree Map and Inventory Project
Web Book - Pennsylvania Facts Alphabet project
Wetlands EcoStudy Unit
Maps & Mapping
Cartography Internet Activity
GPS - learn about | GIS - understanding using
GeoWeb - Put your town on the map Be a cyber cartographer
Map Activity 3-7
Contribute to a Nature Mapping project in your community or state:
- What is NatureMapping?
Example | Another example done by a school
Or start one - How Do I Start NatureMapping?
Map and Inventory Trees in your community
Wetland inventory
off site
Geography hunts on the web
Dynamic Maps
Enviromapper for water
GeoNet online facts games
Geospatial One Stop - many resources and maps
Me on Vacation! WebQuest
Conservation Geoportal
in the News
links page to to other resources
MathMastery Geography questions
The National Atlas and geography resources |