Internet Hunts
Puzzles & Projects
History Mystery Message
Civics & History
Problem based Learning
PA. Projects
globe Geography Awareness Week resources
Geography Awareness week is the second week in November.


50 State Fact Challenge

Add stanzas to the Meadow Poem

Cartography - where in the world are we?

Census - Population growth chart

Earth's Layers Online Activity

Ecology Vocabulary Exercise

Ecology Community Status in your State's Ecosystem

Elbow Room - Exploring Population Density and Land Issues - find data, spreadsheet, bar chart, essay

Fields, Fence rows, Farms and Meadows photos

Geology of Pennsylvania

Geography Games

Understanding and Using GIS

GPS - explore a new technology

Home Ownership - the positives and the negatives

Images as messages

Label the map of Pennsylvania Waters - If you are not from PA, make a map using online map resources, then label it.

Lentic or Lotic Ecosystems

Maple Trees and Sugarbush math

Middle East Map Practice

Money Hunt - discover and consider

Mount Vernon Photos for school projects

National Parks from A-Z - take a virtual vacation!

New Years Celebrations Compare/Contrast Project

No Place like Home - Geography Research Activity

Pennsylvania Map Activity 3-7

Plants and People

Prairie Ecosystem Activity

Rocks and Minerals fact hunt

Sing a song of state facts

State Facts Alphabet Web Book

Tax Study Commission

Test Your Geography Knowledge

Learning about Waters and Watersheds

Which Pennsylvania city would you like to explore? Not from the Commonwealth? Adapt it to your state

Watersheds - Lentic and Lotic 4th up

Water cycle, Groundwater, Fresh water activity 4-8

Learn about Watershed Activity


Problem and Project based Learning

The Birchbark House Geography activity

Community Garden Plan

Community Project and School Projects

Dude, You Gotta Move - about biomes

Drought Presentation

Eagles in your state

Fields, Meadows, and Fencerows EcoStudy Unit

Fourth of July Celebration Plan

GeoWeb - Put your town on the map Be a cyber cartographer

Global Warming and Climate Change

Government, Statistics and the Media

Great Outdoors Month

Habitat Project Digital Science Journal

Look into your Community's History

Make a country or state internet hunt

Oil Production - finding truth

Natural Resource Wars - Who wins?

Pennsylvania Energy and Global Warming - Look into it

Sell your town - Why should someone move to your town?

State facts - Explore a state by making a fact hunt

Surveying - Why?

Tree Map and Inventory Project

Web Book - Pennsylvania Facts Alphabet project

Wetlands EcoStudy Unit

world map

Maps & Mapping

Cartography Internet Activity

GPS - learn about | GIS - understanding using

GeoWeb - Put your town on the map Be a cyber cartographer

Pennsylvania Map Activity 3-7

Contribute to a Nature Mapping project in your community or state:
- What is NatureMapping?

Example | Another example done by a school

Or start one - How Do I Start NatureMapping?

Map and Inventory Trees in your community

Wetland inventory

off site

Other Geography hunts on the web

Dynamic Maps

Enviromapper for water

GeoNet online facts games

Geospatial One Stop - many resources and maps

Take Me on Vacation! WebQuest

Conservation Geoportal

Maps in the News

links page to to other resources

MathMastery Geography questions

The National Atlas and geography resources

Internet Hunts / Nature / Computers / Pennsylvania Projects / Puzzles & Projects / Constitution Studies / Site map / Home

posted 11/2006 by Cynthia J. O'Hora, released to public domain