Fresh Water Facts

Directions: Click on the link to go to a site with the answer to the question. The answer is often on the linked page. A few require you to choose an appropriate link to another page with the answer. If a link is broken, use your online research skills to find the answer. Use the Go menu of your browser to return to this hunt page. printer sheet

1. The Water Cycle is also called the Hydrologic Cycle.
Write the name for each of the seven steps and what occurs at each step of the Water Cycle.















2. What is groundwater?


Where does groundwater come from?


3. Geology of Pennsylvania's Groundwater

True or false. All of Pennsylvania's groundwater is fresh water.

How much groundwater did your county use each day in 1990?


How do the people in your community alter the hydrolic budget?




4. A Lentic ecosystem is a nonflowing or standing body of fresh water. Lakes, Ponds,
Ditches, Swamps, Bogs, and Marshes Ephemeral pools are examples.

Write 2 facts about lakes. NGS - Lakes



5. Lotic ecosystems have flowing fresh water. Examples are rivers, brooks, creeks, springs and streams.

Write 2 facts about lentic ecosystems.



Look it up:

6. What does a wetland ecologist do?



How does their work impact your life?



7. Ground Water comes from the aquifer. What is an aquifer?



8. Write two easy ways you can save water.



Which will you choose to do?


9. Print this picture. Label the parts of the water cycle.


Watch the Water Cycle video. What percentage of water is fresh?

Where is it stored?


10. How can you, your family, your school or your community protect clean water?


"When the well's dry, we know the worth of water." Benjamin Franklin

blue arrow Flow farther:

Take the challenge - Is it a Lentic Ecosystem or Lotic Ecosystem.

Explore DEP - My Water

Check out Goodbye Orange Water - Why is the water orange?

Lead and Copper in water

Label a map of Pennsylvania's waters. | Fresh Water Math

Learn about Watersheds Activity | Wetlands EcoStudy Unit

Pathfinder Science - Stream Monitoring | Precipitation and Population | Drought Presentation

Make a VE video about water. (VE Rating - Very educational making a strong use of data and critical thinking skills.)
Excellent examples: Requiem for the Honeybee from Charles Greene CSPAN Student Cam project,
Down to the Last DROP from Madison Richards CSPAN Student Cam project

Mrs. O's House Water Science for Schools - USGS Fishy Facts Activity Nature
Pennsylvania Projects Watershed Activity Plants and People Environmental Inquiry - Watersheds
Water Issue Digital Project Watershed Game WaterSense Amphibians and reptiles of PA
Water Words puzzle

Enviromapper for water

Hydrologic Cycle Groundwater
Bullfrogs and Bayous Internet Activity Explore a stream in Maine  

2006 Cynthia J. O'Hora May be used freely in a non profit setting. Updated 1/2024

Aligned with the Pennsylvania State Academic Standards for: Reading Writing, Listening and Speaking, Science and Technology

“Environment and Ecology" - Watersheds and Wetlands 4.1.4 A: Identify various types of water environments · Lotic systems (e.g. creeks, rivers, streams) · Lentic systems (ponds, lakes, swamps) 4.1. A. Explain the role of the water cycle within a watershed. Explain the water cycle. Explain the water cycle as it relates to a watershed. · B. Understand the role of the watershed. · Explain how water enters a watershed. 4.3. Environmental Health A. Describe environmental health issues. B. Describe how human actions affect the health of the environment. B. Analyze the local, regional and national impacts of environmental health. 4.8. Humans and the Environment C. Explain how human activities may affect local, regional and national environments.