
Birds Nesting and Rearing


Patuxent Bird Identification pages Aquatic birds photos - non ducks
NGS wood duck video All About Birds
Ducks facts EagleCam
Wildlife Notes HeronCam
Housing shortage Watch Spring comes to the pond on TeacherTube
Electronic Naturalist - nature study with materials Eagles - How are they doing in your state?

Vocabulary: nest, burrow, nestbox, aerie, rushes, solitary, herony, competition, precocial or altricial, predation,

Select 5 species of wetland birds to study. Include at least: one waterfowl, one raptor, one heron, and the belted kingfisher.

Gather information to discover the remarkable variety of nests and rearing strategies of wetland birds.

blue arrow Some birds mate for life while others mate for a single season.

What does each of these wetland birds do?

blue arrow Birds nest in different places. They use many different materials to make their nests.

Describe Materials and location of each bird's nest. Example: Puffin - seaweed/oceanside burrow

blue arrow Are the chicks - Precocial or Altricial?

blue arrow How does each bird depend on the plant life in the wetland?

blue arrow Identify which of these bird that could be found in the wetlands in your area.

blue arrow Select one of these wetland birds species.

What actions could be taken to support the bird's successful nesting in your region?


blue arrow Watch these videos about volunteers maintaining nesting for wetland birds. | Wood duck boxes

What data do the volunteers collect?

Develop a plan to implement this effort at a local wetland. Include a schedule, materials, estimated costs, site to be developed. Address the benefits of the effort. Include a safety plan for the volunteers.

blue arrow Competition Conundrum - Double Crested Cormorants are presenting challenges.

Investigate the issue. Evaluate - What is the appropriate solution?

Wetlands birds list.

Wood Duck - facts

Bufflehead - facts

Red winged blackbird

Belted Kingfisher

Blue-Winged Teal - facts, more facts

Double-crested cormorants

Northern Pintail - facts

Ruddy Duck - facts

American Bittern

Great Blue Heron

Canada Goose

Common Loon


American Bald Eagle

cattails Wetlands: Habitat / Mammals / Birds / Macrovertebrates - Aquatic Insects / Plants & trees / Amphibians / Conclusions

Food Web Relationships / Wetland Ecology Vocabulary Exercise / Life Cycles / Mammal Morphology: compare - contrast

Bats are our Buddies / Amphibians Internet Activity / Riparian Buffers - investigate / Photos: page 1 - page 2 - page 3 - page 4

Eagles Evaluation / Lentic ecosystem or Lotic ecosystem? / Wetland Poem Project / Wetland or Frog Song activity

Citizen Science Projects - collect some data / Collecting data pdf. - doc. / Digital Science Journal / Wetland Ecology Dilemmas

Water & Watershed Studies / Water Wars / Environmental/Energy Issue Video Project

PA. Envirothon / Monitor Wetland / Great Outdoors Celebration - pbl


Internet Hunts / Computers / Plants and People / Puzzles & Projects / Pennsylvania Projects / Site map / Home

Nature / Milkweed Mania / Bluebirds at School / Best Treat of All / Habitat: Fields & Meadows / Habitat Garden at School - pbl

posted 12/2001 Updated 1/2009 Released to be freely used by non profit organizations
Cindy O'Hora

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