Vocabulary: nest, burrow, nestbox, aerie, rushes, solitary, herony, competition, precocial or altricial, predation, Select 5 species of wetland birds to study. Include at least: one waterfowl, one raptor, one heron, and the belted kingfisher. Gather information to discover the remarkable variety of nests and rearing strategies of wetland birds.
Wetlands birds list.
Wetlands: Habitat / Mammals / Birds / Macrovertebrates - Aquatic Insects / Plants & trees / Amphibians / Conclusions Food Web Relationships / Wetland Ecology Vocabulary Exercise / Life Cycles / Mammal Morphology: compare - contrast Bats are our Buddies / Amphibians Internet Activity / Riparian Buffers - investigate / Photos: page 1 - page 2 - page 3 - page 4 Eagles Evaluation / Lentic ecosystem or Lotic ecosystem? / Wetland Poem Project / Wetland or Frog Song activity Citizen Science Projects - collect some data / Collecting data pdf. - doc. / Digital Science Journal / Wetland Ecology Dilemmas Water & Watershed Studies / Water Wars / Environmental/Energy Issue Video Project PA. Envirothon / Monitor Wetland / Great Outdoors Celebration - pbl Internet Hunts / Computers / Plants and People / Puzzles & Projects / Pennsylvania Projects / Site map / Home Nature / Milkweed Mania / Bluebirds at School / Best Treat of All / Habitat: Fields & Meadows / Habitat Garden at School - pbl posted 12/2001 Updated 1/2009 Released to be freely used by non profit organizations Save a tree - How to make a Digital Answer Sheet: Highlight the text of the questions on this web page, copy them - Edit .. Copy. Open a text document or word processing document. Paste the questions into the blank document. Answer the questions in the word processing document in a contrasting color (NOT YELLOW) or font (avoid fancy fonts like: , Symbol, or ). Save frequently as you work. I do not like losing my work. You will not like it either. Submit your assignment via an electronic class dropbox or email attachment. Save a copy of your work on your computer. Proof your responses. It is funny how speling errors and typeos sneak in to the bets work. Make Your Own Printed answer sheet. |