Wetlands Ecosystem Study Unit

Trees and Plants of the Wetlands

Begin by gathering facts:

blue arrow Identify the parts of a tree and the function of each. (Use Free Printable Flashcard Maker to create your own flashcards to use as a study aid)

blue arrow Learn to identify the plants & trees listed below by: leaf / branch / bark / fruit.

blue arrow How do people use these trees and plants? (resource - Plants & People)

blue arrow Are they autotrophs or heterotrophs?

blue arrow What is the importance of wetlands on these plants?

blue arrow How does leaf litter contribute to stream ecology?

blue arrow How do riparian buffers protect water quality?

blue arrow Wetlands Food Web Relationshipss

General tree facts

Common Trees of Pa - select from the index | Identifying PA. Trees

From the Woods - Community Forests | Plants & People

Conifers - know the needles

Eastern Hemlock | White Pine

Hardwoods - know the leaves

Black Cherry Tulip tree - photos
Sycamore White flowering Dogwood - photo
Shagbark Hickory - picture of bark American Beech - photos

Trees & shrubs info

Parts of a tree | Leaf it to me. A Trees Internet activity | Field Ecology: Successful Seeds

Shrubs/plants - Aquatic plant facts & Photos

Broad leaved Cattail Native American Cattail facts
Skunk cabbage - facts & photo Water Lily - photo - facts
Broadleaf Arrowhead Possumhaw Viburnum
Duckweed Jewelweed


Plant ID Activity | Wildflowers info

Riparian Buffer Investigation

Face the Facts! Wetland tree and plants quiz | EcoCommunity Status - evaluate

Map the wetlands in your community

Digital Science Journal Project

Biodiversity Exploration Investigation

American Bald Eagle - status in your state

School Native Plants Landscape Project

Wetland Ecology Dilemmas

Great Outdoors Month event

Water and Watersheds studies

Water Studies Precipitation and Population

Environment Issues Game


cattails Wetlands EcoStudy Unit : Habitat / Mammals / Birds / Macroinvertebrates - Aquatic insects / Plants & trees / Amphibians / Conclusions

Environmental Careers

Internet Hunts / Nature / Bluebirds Project / Plants and People / Pennsylvania Projects / Home
Milkweed & Monarch Butterfly Mania / Fencerows, Fields & Meadows EcoStudy Unit / Habitat Garden
The Best Treat of All
/ Lentic or Lotic ecosystem?

Updated 1/2009, 5/2024 by Cindy O'Hora

tree icon Save a tree use a digital answer format - Highlight the text. Copy it. Paste it in a word processing document. Save the document in your folder. Answer on the word processing document in an easily read, contrasting color or font. (No yellow, avoid fancy artictic fonts like: Symbols, broad font, dear font) Save frequently as you work. Make Your Own Printed answer sheet.