In Take me out of the bathtub and other silly dilly
songs* Alan Katz uses common children's songs to make new, funny songs.
For Take Me out of the Bathtub!,
Katz uses the melody from Take Me out to the Ballgame. A fun song can be a great tool for remembering facts you need to memorize. I'll bet you can sing close to 50 songs off
by heart. Write a wetlands or frog facts song
By the way - You could also try this idea for other subjects like: oceans and continents, planets and heavenly bodies in the solar system, geometric figures or elements of the periodic table. For a real challenge make a song that helps you remember the parts of the cell! * Take me out of the bathtub and other silly dilly songs by Alan Katz, Illustrated by David Catrow. Published by Margaret K. McElderry Books 2001 SAT: Why Memorize What You Can Rock? - Schoolhouse Rock
Internet Hunts / Nature / Pennsylvania Projects / Pennsylvanians / Plants and People / Puzzles & Projects / Site map / Home Posted 10/2006 by Cynthia J. O'Hora This work is released to the public domain Save a tree - use a digital answer format - Highlight the text. Copy it. Paste it in a word processing document. Save the document in your folder. Answer on the word processing document. Save frequently. Make Your Own Printed answer sheet. |