- Make Your Own Database - a tutorial by Cindy O'Hora |
Typical Fields: Name, address, phone, grade, gender, school, teacher/advisor, project name, category (I'll explain this one when we make this field). Other data: Entry date, fee paid, paper work received, ranking/ award. Step 3. Making the database. Creating Fields. Text fields Your database window should now show one field First Name
1. Enter Last and Click Create. You now have 2 entries in the Database Fields box First Name and Last Name.
2. Continue this field creation process adding: Title (Mrs, Ms, Mr, Sir, Dr.), Street Address, City, State, Zip, Teacher/Advisor, phone, Project name, award/rank. Leave them all set as Field Type: Text
3. Click Done. 4. Save your database so you do not lose your work. Call it Sci Fair. Next - Make a variety of specialized fields. Radio Bullet, Popup Menu, Value List, Auto Date, Checkbox, Number
Database Activity - vocabulary |
Database - organizing | AppleWorks database tips |