computer icon MYOD - Make Your Own Database - a tutorial
by Cindy O'Hora



Define Fields

Radio buttons

Pop-up Menu


Value List




Grand Summary

Sort & Page view

Data Entry


Loverly Layout

New View


Find by date

Calculating RadioButtons

Fields: Name, address, phone, grade, gender, school, teacher/advisor, project name, category. Other data: Entry date, fee paid, paper work received, ranking or award.

Step 10. Making the database. Creating Fields. Summary

Why a Summary field?

A summary field allows you to calculate data across records. (Calculation fields calculate within a single record)

We will add a summary field which will use the SUM function to obtain a total of fees collected.

To resume adding fields:

1. Go : Layout .. Define Fields

2. Enter Total Fees in the Field Name.

3. Change the Field type to Summary. Click Create.

4. A dialog box will open that requires the creation of the function to perform the calculation.

5. In the Functions: box select SUM(number1,number2..)

The SUM function will appear in the Formula: box.

6. Highlight number1,number2,.. AVOID highlighting the parenthesis. They are a critical part of the function. When you delete them, you will get an error message.

7. Click on the "Fee Paid" field in the Fields box.

It will be entered into the SUM function. It should read SUM('Fee Paid')

Note that the name of the field - Fee Paid is surrounded by apostrophes. This tells the function this is text. 'Fee Paid'

8. Click OK. Assuming you entered the elements of the function correctly .. you will return to the Field entry box.

If not, you will get an error message.

  • Did you format the Fee Paid field as a number?
  • Are you missing a parenthesis?
  • Did you drop the ' which must surround the text name of your field to be used in the calculation?

9. Save your database.

Next - Hey, where did it go? I do not see the Total Fees field in my database!


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Copyright 3/2004 Cynthia O'Hora All Rights Reserved. Posted 3/2004 by Cindy O'Hora