Bluebirds Project

blue feather Photos & Movie

blue feather Altricial or precocial

blue feather Feeding

blue feather Song

blue feather Camouflage

blue feather Winter


blue feather Charting eggs ele

blue feather All about Birds ele/ms

blue feather Frayer Model Birds - doc. | pdf

blue feather Collecting data ele/ms

blue feather Compare/Contrast

blue feather Food Web

blue feather Nest Box Log ele/ms/hs

blue feather Life Cycles ele/ms

blue feather Mapping Birds ele/ms/hs

blue feather Variables ele/ms/hs

blue feather Feather Facts ms/hs

blue feather Scientific Thinking ele/ms/hs

blue feather Systems & Controls ms/hs

blue feather Science Journal Entry ms/hs

blue feather Make Puzzle ele/ms/hs

blue feather Ecology Vocabulary ms/hs

blue feather Classification ms/hs

blue feather Resources

spaceBluebird video at NGS

spaceEggs Fact Hunt

spaceBirds Book online

spaceBirds Facts Activity

spaceLearn about Nests


spaceCitizen Science Projects

spaceFields, Meadows EcoUnit

Other Nestbox residents:

spaceTree Swallows

spaceEnglish Sparrow


spaceWren Chicks




Bluebirds Project - Photos

blue feather Take a peek in Nest Box #1: (requires Quicktime)

blue feather Newly hatched bluebird. Can you see the unhatched eggs?

newly hatched bluebird

blue feather Snug and warm:

Eastern bluebird chicks sleeping - JP

Citizen Scientists observe bluebirds nestbox

blue featherOther potential nest box inhabitants:

Tree Swallow / English Sparrow / Wren / Nuthatch

Tufted Titmouse / Chickadee

Main Bluebirds Project page / Bluebird photos

BirdSleuth: Investigating Evidence - free materials from Cornell University

Nature / Internet Hunts / Pennsylvania Projects / Puzzles & Projects / Water / Computers / Mrs. O's House

2002 Cindy O'Hora, Updated 4/2008, Posted May 2002 Contact: email address

May I please use your photographs in a report for school? Yes.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License.