Bluebirds Project

blue feather Photos & Movie

blue feather Altricial or precocial

blue feather Feeding

blue feather Song

blue feather Camouflage

blue feather Winter


blue feather Charting eggs ele

blue feather All about Birds ele/ms

blue feather Frayer Model Birds - doc. | pdf

blue feather Collecting data ele/ms

blue feather Compare/Contrast

blue feather Food Web

blue feather Nest Box Log ele/ms/hs

blue feather Life Cycles ele/ms

blue feather Variables ele/ms/hs

blue feather Feather Facts ms/hs

blue feather Scientific Thinking ele/ms/hs

blue feather Systems & Controls ms/hs

blue feather Feeder Project doc | pdf

blue feather Science Journal Entry ms/hs

blue feather Make Puzzle ele/ms/hs

blue feather Ecology Vocabulary ms/hs

blue feather Classification ms/hs

blue feather Resources

spaceBluebird video at NGS

spaceEggs Fact Hunt

spaceBirds Book online

spaceBirds Facts Activity

spaceCitizen Science Projects

spaceFields, Meadows EcoUnit


Other Nestbox residents:

spaceTree Swallows

spaceEnglish Sparrow


spaceWren Chicks




bluebirds flying to house Bluebirds Nest Box Log

Develop your science skills by making regular observations of bluebirds in a nest box.

blue feather Erect a bluebird box on your home or school property.

Lots of plans are available to make your own nestbox .

There are also many sources for prefab boxes. Not all boxes are really appropriate for bluebirds. Check the expert's plans to be sure a pre-made one is the right dimensions. Pay special attention to the diameter of the entrance hole. Learn why you should be picky about your box's dimensions.

You could consider posting several different kinds of nest boxes to see which attracts the birds.

blue feather Download this great Nest Box Logs.

Make regular observations. Document your observations. Answer the questions in the logs.

Come to a conclusion - Is the species you are observing: thriving / holding its own / threatened in your area? How does this compare with other people's observations at NestWatch? Based on this status what actions do you recommend?


blue feather Observe using an online nest box cam.

Cornell University provides one. Several other ones are available online. Use your search skills to find one close to your area. Bookmark the nest cam's web page to make it easier to regularly check it.

Observe daily. Document your observations. Answer the questions in the logs.

Nest Box Cam Movies

You could even set up a web cam yourself!

Bird house wireless web cam | Nest Box Video Cameras



More information:

Overview of the Nesting Cycle

Eggs Hatch

Citizen Scientist observe bluebirds nestbox

Learn about Nests

BirdSleuth: Investigating Evidence - free materials from Cornell University

blue featherOther potential nest box inhabitants:

Tree Swallow / English Sparrow / Wren / Nuthatch
Tufted Titmouse / Chickadee / Mice

Aligned with Pennsylvania Academic Standards for Science & Technology , Ecology & Environment, Mathematics, Reading & Writing.


Nature / Internet Hunts / Pennsylvania Projects / Puzzles & Projects / Water / Computers / Mrs. O's House

2008 Cindy O'Hora, Posted 10/2008 Contact: email address

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License.