Internet Hunts
Puzzles & Projects
Problem based Learning
PA. Projects
crossword Make a Crossword Puzzle - Science Vocabulary Challenge bluebird

Make a crossword puzzle using 20 to 30 vocabulary words related to bluebirds. This activity will help you build your science vocabulary.

1. Open a word processing document, SimpleText or TextEdit document.

2. Make a list of words and clues. (A minimum of 8 words must grow your vocabulary)

Many resources about birds and Bluebirds can help you develop clues.

Separate each word and its clue with a slash "/" character.

example: egg/bluebirds lay 4 to 7 can be light blue or white.

Press the Enter key once after each clue, except for the last clue. Clues can be up to 255 character long.

SAVE this document to your class folder.

3. Highlight then Edit..Copy the words and clues. (Using a Mac? - Hold down the command key and tap the a key to Select All the text. Then Go command key c to copy)

Go to the web page Instant Online Crossword Puzzle Maker.

Paste the words and clues into the online form. (Using a Mac? - Hold down the command key and tap the a key to v key to Paste)

4. Click Create Puzzle.

5. Follow the directions - "Click puzzle to see your puzzle." Print it.

Or Save a copy of the puzzle to your class folder.

Or Print to pdf to save the puzzle in a sharable electronic format.

6. Swap your puzzle with another person.

Complete their puzzle.

pencilMaking a vocabulary crossword puzzle about something? Here is my Helpful How to Hint.

As you read books, pamphlets, web pages or perhaps watch videos, record any vocabulary or special words
on a sheet of paper or in a word processing document.

Tech Tip: Working in a group or in two different places like the library & home? You do not have to be physically together to work together. gold starWatch Google Docs video TAI - How could you use free, Google Docs to do a project? How would this facilitate group projects?


Bluebirds Project | Ecology Vocabulary | Life Cycles ele/ms | Bluebird Classification | NPWRC - Bluebirds

Fields, Meadows and Fencerows EcoStudy Unit | Wetlands EcoStudy Unit

All trademarks, copyright and logos belong to their respective owners.
posted by Cynthia O'Hora 2008
, Contact: email address

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License.