Internet Hunts
Puzzles & Projects
Wetlands Study Unit
Plants & People
Problem/Project Based Learning
Water & Watershed Study Unit
Bluebirds Project

Ecological Dilemmas


People's choices impact ecosystems. Development is an obvious example of an impact. But there are many others.

Here are a few actions of people that impact the inhabitants of fields, meadows and fencerows: fertilizers, pesticides, oiling of roads, driveways & parking lots, precipitation acidification, cigarette butts, wind energy development, federal energy grid development, genetically engineered crops, weed and insect control programs, loss of host plants, golf courses, tickborne disease, invasive species, dioxins, careless disposal of consumer trash, habitat fragmentation, white tailed deer management, dumping of toxins, feeding wild animals - A Vicious Cycle, flyash dams, lead shot for hunting, recreational use of wild lands, releasing alien species into the wild. General Ecology website

right arrow Select one of these actions or issues. (If there is another one that is of particular local interest, do it)

Describe the action or issue. Include data.

Explain the issue including its ecological impact. Show several sides of the argument.

Identify alternatives that achieve the goals of people, while minimizing or perhaps eliminating the negative impact.

Decide: Should the change be made? How - by law, by regulation or by individual choice?


right arrow Make a VE video about the issue. (VE Rating - Very educational making a strong use of data and critical thinking skills.)

Excellent examples: Requiem for the Honeybee from Charles Greene CSPAN Student Cam project

Down to the Last DROP from Madison Richards CSPAN Student Cam project


right arrow Extend your thinking:

Competition Conundrums - Four mammals are presenting challenges.

Investigate one of the issues. What are the problems?

What are some solutions? White Tailed Deer - OR - Black Bears - OR - Feral Swine - OR- Feral Cats


right arrow Project based Learning: Outside - In Showcase or Website Project - make one | Digital Science Journal

butterfly iconFields, Meadows, and Fence rows: Habitat / Mammals / Birds / Butterflies & Moths / Trees & Plants / Conclusion

Screech Owl Activity | Bats are our Buddies Activity | Food Web Activity | Food web relationships - Predator or prey? | Make an A to Z book

Milkweed and Monarch Butterfly Science Journal Entry | Digital Science Journal | Bluebirds Project | Wildflowers info

Environmental Education Curriculum in Pennsylvania | Environmental Careers | Using trees as cleaning tools

Internet Hunts / Puzzles and Projects / Water and Watershed Studies / Problem based Learning / Habitat Garden / Nature / Home

Posted 9/2008 by Cindy O'Hora, Updated 2/2009 / 11/2013

tree icon Save a tree - use a digital answer format - Highlight the text. Copy it. Paste it in a word processing document. Save the document in your folder. Answer on the word processing document in an easily read, contrasting color or font. (No yellow, avoid fancy fonts like: Symbols, broad font, dear font). Save frequently. Enter your name and date in a header. Submit your written response via email attachment or class drop box.

Aligned with Pennsylvania Academic Standards: Reading, Writing, Science & Technology, Ecology & Environment, Mathematics, Geography, Career. Aligned with National Academic Standards: Technology, Science, Geography. Common Core of Standards