Internet Hunts
Puzzles & Projects
Wetlands Study Unit
Plants & People
Problem/Project Based Learning
Water & Watershed Study Unit
Bluebirds Project

Mammal Morphology - Bats and People

Mammals share many body traits in common. Yet each species has some characteristics that are unique. Both the common traits and the unique ones work to enable the species survive and thrive. Animal morphology or anatomy is the study of the shape, form, and structure of animals and their parts.

Review the Comparison and Contrast Guide @ ReadWriteThink - online activity through "Evaluating".

Tip: To work your way through click the right pointing arrow after reading each page. right arrow

Use the resources in Visual Dictionary Online to examine the external morphology of bats, people and one other meadow mammal.

table A table is a great way to make a visual representation of the findings so you can identify for similarties and differences. Enter the characteristics down the first column. Place a + plus sign if the mammal has that characteristic.
Place a - minus sign, if it does not.

External morphology

hair or fur covering      
wing membrane      

Evaluate and Discuss Your Findings.

right arrow What do these three animals have in common?


right arrow What are their differences?


right arrow How do each animal's unique traits enable it to survive?



bird Fields, Meadows, and Fencerows: Habitat / Mammals / Birds / Insect - Butterflies / Trees & Plants / Conclusion

Food web relationships - Predator or prey? | Food Web Activity | Digital Science Project

Bats are our Buddies | Screech Owls Activity | EcoCommunity Status in your state | Fields, Meadows & fencerows photos

Citizen Scientist - Collect some data | Collecting data Activity doc. / pdf

Milkweeds & Monarch Butterfly Mania | Map and Inventory Trees in your Community

Firefly Watch - fun project | Plan a School Habitat Garden Project | Water & Watershed Studies | Plants and People

Environmental Education Curriculum in Pennsylvania| PA High School Envirothon | Wildflowers info | Animal Phyla


Internet Hunts / Puzzles and Projects / Problem based Learning / Civics & History / Habitat Garden / Computers / Nature / Home

2009 Cynthia J. O'Hora This project may be freely use in a nonprofit setting.

tree icon Save a tree - use a Digital Answering format - Highlight the text of the title, directions and questions. Copy the text. Paste it in a word processing document. Save the document in your folder. Enter your name and the date at the top of the docuement. Answer on the word processing document in an easily read, contrasting color or font. (No yellow, avoid artistic fonts like: Symbols, broad font, blackmoor, & dear font fonts). Save frequently as you work. Submit your digital answer sheet via email or drop box. Make Your Own Printed answer sheet.

The goal of this web project is to inform people through research and employing higher order thinking skills. This study unit encourages the use of free Internet information resources. Activities often develop writing, information literacy, technology and mathematics skills. The resources posted here may be freely adapted or modified to meet each student's unique skills or interests.

Pennsylvania Science Anchors
S.A.2. Processes, Procedures, and Tools of Scientific Investigations
S 4.B.3.1 Identify and describe living and nonliving things in the environment or their interaction
S.B.2 Continuity of Life

Science NetLinks Benchmark 5 - The Living Environment
How living things function and interact. A. Diversity of Life
"One of the most general distinctions among organisms is between plants, which use sunlight to make their own food, and animals, which consume energy-rich foods. Animals and plants have a great variety of body plans and internal structures that contribute to their being able to make or find food and reproduce. All organisms, including the human species, are part of and depend on two main interconnected global food webs."

D. Interdependence of Life - " In all environments freshwater, marine, forest, desert, grassland, mountain, and others organisms with similar needs may compete with one another for resources, including food, space, water, air, and shelter.