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Federal Government, State Government, Local Government or Citizens
Whose job or power is it?

The U.S. Constitution divides up the powers or jobs of the Federal government, State government and the People.
This is important because it protects the people's rights. This division of powers is meant to limit the government's power
over the people and between competing or conflicting ideas about how to govern.

Bill of Rights - Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states,
are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.

enforcing laws establishing post offices raising armies
making laws eminent domain leveling taxes
regulating businesses print money education of children
conducting elections regulate/provide health care control the travel of people
issue debt Grant titles of nobility protect natural resources
safeguard food & products make treaties with other countries regulate marriage
protect citizen rights conduct census subsidize business
provide health care enforce democracy in the world housing and renting
regulate information sources like news, Internet or media
build & maintain infrastructure: highways, bridges, sewers, water supplies, communication systems

Sort the jobs/powers:

1. Open a word processing document

2. Make a header. Enter a title, your name, Insert the date

3. Make 4 columns

4. Label the first column - Federal, the 2nd - State or Commonwealth, 3rd column - Local Government, 4th column - Citizens

5. Place each power or job in the appropriate column. Add any powers you can identify that are missed above.

Draw some conclusions:

Who has the greatest amount of power?

Who has the least amount of power?


"I consider the difference between a system founded on the legislatures only, and one founded on the people,
to be the true difference between a league or treaty and a constitution." James Madison, at the Constitutional Convention, 1787

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posted 8/2007 by Cynthia J. O'Hora, released to public domain

tree icon Save a tree - use a digital answer format - Highlight the text. Copy it. Paste it in a word processing document. Save the document in your folder. Answer on the word processing document in a contrasting color (not yellow) or font (avoid blackmore, brodfont dear or other ornate artistic fonts). Save frequently as you work. Or perhaps you have the resources to record verbal answers. If you do, be sure to first read / record the question. Then record the answer immediately after it. Make your own answer sheet. Proof your responses. It is funny how speling errors and typeos sneak in to the bets worck. smiling icon