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Bird Nests Internet Hunt

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Peek in the nest boxes in this Bluebird Project.

Observation: The First Step in the Scientific Method Screech Owl ActivityVariation - grouping things

Ask the PTO at your school to help you create a school yard habitat

Read Best Treat of All an online Bird Book. Make your own book about birds. link fixed

Explore bird's nests around the world using web cams.

Accomplish one other bird related activity:

Eggsactly: An Egg Online Activity beg | int

Eggsactly: An Egg Activity mid/adv

Egg Words Crossword Puzzle link fixed

Bird Facts online actitivies Birds of Wetlands

Birds of Meadows, Fields and fencerows

Mystery Bird Project

How are Eagles doing in your state?

Screech Owl Activity based on Screech Owl at Midnight Hollow by C Drew Lamm



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