Butterfly and Moth Internet Hunt Bookmark this web page. Click on the link to go to a page with the answer to
the question. First the facts: 1. How many legs do all insects have?
2. The legs and wings of a butterfly are attached to which body part?
3. Name 4 steps of the butterfly lifecycle.
4. Name the two wings of a butterfly.
5. The butterfly's sipper (mouth) is called a. ...
6. Identify three differences between a moth and a butterfly. a.
Name 3 similarities between moths and butterflies. a.
7. How do butterflies communicate?
Food for thought - 8. What do caterpillars eat?
9. What are butterflies trying to get when they are sipping at puddles (puddling)? Learn more at Puddle Party
10. Your family is planning to add a butterfly garden to your yard. Name 3 things a butterfly garden should have?
11. What is a host plant? Name two.
Why is planting native plants the better choice?
12. How is the milkweed important to butterflies?
13. How long do most adult butterflies live? (Use your online research skills to find the answer.)
14. Entomology is the study of insects. A scientist who studies insects is called an ........
But a person who studies butterflies and moths is not a
butterflyologist nor a mothologist.
On to Part 2 - To know them is to love them.
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Updated August 18, 2023, posted 4/2000 by Cynthia J. O'Hora ©2000 Cindy O'Hora. All Rights reserved. Educators may print a hunt, exactly as it appears, for use in a classroom setting. Save a tree - use a digital answer format - Highlight the text of the title, directions and questions. Copy the text. Paste it in a word processing document. Save the document in your folder. Answer on the word processing document in an easily read, contrasting color or font. (No yellow, avoid artistic fonts like: Symbols, , , & fonts). Save frequently as you work.Or perhaps you have the resources to record verbal answers. If you do, be sure to first read / record the question. Then record the answer immediately after it. Make Your Own Printed answer sheet. |