Summer Investigation Mystery

"If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?" ~ Albert Einstein

It was a hot summer day. I was wandering through my milkweeds looking for Monarch Butterfly caterpillars.
When I
checked this milkweed plant, I observed an animal I did not expect.

Hone your observation and reasoning skills by carefully examining the photo.

right arrow Write your observations. Note as many details as you can.


Hint: Click on the photo - a larger view will open. Use your Back button to return to this page.

question mark Solve the mystery. Identify the animal.


right arrow Why do you believe the animal is on this plant?


question mark Is it a problem for a monarch caterpillar that may be on the plant?


question mark Are there any actions an observer should take?


Observation Skills Builders: The First Step in the Scientific Method > 40 activities.

Learn about the Scientific Method Activity Bluebirds Project - learning focused exploration
Meadows, Fencerows and Fields EcoStudy Unit Plants and People
Milkweed & Monarch Butterfly Mania Digital Science Journal project
Measuring Monarch Caterpillars & Milkweed Activity Journal Entry - Field Notes are extremely valuable
  Wetlands EcoStudy Unit

ivy rule

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Posted 9/2009 Cynthia O'Hora.

Released to public domain for all mystery lovers to enjoy.
Aligned with Pennsylvania Academic Standards | Assessment and Rubrics