compact flourescent bulb

Energy Alternatives and Conservation
a Problem-Based Learning Project about Energy and its conservation

Compare and Contrast 2 Methods of Conserving Energy

led bulb

1. Do this Comparison and Contrast Guide @ ReadWriteThink - online activity.

Tip: To work your way through click the right pointing arrow after reading each page. right arrow

2. Download/print the Compare and Contrast graphic organizer.


Super techies: If you can do complete this activity using the computer to enter the info
and keep the organizer's basic format, Go for it.

Make a digital document that replicates the basic format of the doc shown at the left.
Complete the exercise, saving frequently. Be sure to enter your name and the date in a document header.

Submit the document either by printing it or emailing/drop boxing the edocument itself.
(Stuff happens: Always keep a copy of your finished project.)

3. Select two methods for conserving energy.

Compare and contrast them using the organizer.

Conclude: Which one will you be doing?


Plan 2
What you do not know 4
Worksheet examples 5
Project examples 6
Compare and Contrast 2 Methods of Conserving Energy
Energy Light bulbs compare/contrast Activity
Energy Alternatives Exploration activity
Considering energy use of Personal Electronics

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Posted 2/2009 by Cynthia J. O'Hora