sharpshinned hawk at bird feeder

Examine the Status of Local Birds

How are they doing?

A 2009 report says some native birds are in decline. Is this true in your community or state?

eastern bluebird in winterberry bush

1. Listen to Report Warns Many Bird Species Declining In U.S.

Action: Use your online research skills to locate the report that is mentioned in the story.


2. Name several birds that are found in your community, region or state that are thriving.

feather Select one local bird species. What actions, that people have taken, have been beneficial to this species?

feather Explain how this bird species impacts the whole local ecosystem.

feather Should these actions continue?


3. Name three birds that are found in your community, region or state, that are in decline.

feather Select one of these bird species. What actions, that people have taken, have had a negative impacted on the bird?

feather What actions could be taken that would benefit/help this organism?

feather Explain how these actions would impact the bird's habitat or the whole ecosystem.


Create a report about the status of local birds. Recommend an action that can be taken to support a bird that is in decline.


Extended thinking - Nonnative species are impacting native birds in many regions.

Is there a nonnative bird species that is a problem in your community?

Describe actions that local officials are taking to control the pest species.

Evaluate: Do you support these actions?

Is there a native bird species that is identified as a pest in your community?

Describe actions that local officials are taking to control the pest species.

Evaluate: Do you support these actions?


"The study of animal behavior is the only and ultimate source of understanding ourselves." Margaret Morse Nice
Studies in the Life History of the Song Sparrow, 1937.


Observation Skills Builders: The First Step in the Scientific Method

Birds Internet Hunt
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Citizen Scientist - Collect some data. Best Treat of All - online book about birds All about Eggs activity - beginner
Bird Species List for FeederWatch - make one Mystery Bird Challenge  

ivy rule

All trademarks, copyright and logos belong to their respective owners.
2009 Developed by Cynthia O'Hora. Released to public domain in honor of
ornithologist, Margaret Morse Nice.

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