Milkweed and Monarch Butterfly Mania

Ten days later...

I decided to check the chrysalis each day.

It takes about 2 weeks for the metamorphosis to occur. (A synonym for metamorphosis is change.)

I wondered if I would see any clues about what was happening inside.

It looked pretty much the same for about 10 days.

Watch other animal metamorphosis movies

monarch chrysalis

Chrysalis of a Monarch Butterfly

Careful Observation

On day 12, I noticed faint, black lines appearing. They reminded me of the lines on the wings of the monarch butterfly.

Do you see them?

monarch butterfly open wings

black bands visible in monarch chrysalis

Chrysalis of the Monarch Butterfly close up

On the other hand

This is the chrysalis that formed in the movie.

Here it is on day 5.

Notice the darker area at the bottom. It did not develop into a butterfly.

Watch the Monarch Butterfly Video podcast (on YouTube)

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monarch chrysalis at day 5

Monarch Butterfly Chrysalis close up

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