Milkweed and Monarch Butterfly Mania

White Butterfly Weed

Your garden might have white milkweed (Asclepias Tuberosa). It is often sold at garden centers. It can also play host to many of the animals attracted to Common Milkweed.

You will notice that white butterfly weed grows to be about 2 feet tall. The leaves are medium green with a lance shape. The midrib is pale green. They are shorter and narrower than Common Milkweed.

Plant height: 62 centimeters

Plant width: 22.5 centimeters

Leaf length: 1.5 4 in.

Pod length: 2.5 in. very narrow

You can see it has white flowers. I have noticed many insects on these flowers including the Milkweed Bug.

It does not have the poisonous sap found in Common Milkweed.

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White variety of butterfly weed.

white milkweed in bloom with pods nearby

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Measuring Milkweed project | Milkweed Symmetry

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