Directions: Use the colored
links provided to find the answers to the questions. Use the Back button
of your browser 1. Everyone is worried about energy costs these days.
a. Landscaping can make a big difference in energy costs.
Where should we plant trees
b. Look at the pie chart on the How We Use Energy in Our Homes. (see page 6).
Which uses the least?
Name an action you could take to reduce energy use in your home.
Calculation Power: Your home has electric heat.
The January electric bill was $500.00.
TAI (Think about it) How can you reduce energy use in your home and at school?
2. In 2005, David
Berry won an award for his innovations.
3. What does the word "innovations" mean? Online
Dictionary (This is a long word to type with
lots of chances to make a mistake.
Give an example of a recent innovation in your life.
4. The Great Smoky Mountains National Park is a great
place to visit in the fall.
5. In the fall, the yew bushes are often covered with red berries. Why is this a problem?
Based on this information, would you plant them at an elementary school? Explain your decision.
6. In September, Monarch butterflies are on the move. Why?
Based on this phenomena, what could happen if a hurricane impacted the central USA, in mid to late September?
Monarch Butterflies are now listed as endangered. This has happened in part due to a loss of habitat and milkweed plants.
7. What is one of the best ways to keep from getting sick?
When should you do this at school?
8. Have you ever been blamed for something that was not
your fault?
9. One important science skill is observation. Read the poem "September"
by Helen Hunt Jackson. Why or why not? Explain.
10. In September 2011, the European Southern Observatory announced finding a new planet. It is called HD 85512 b. Read or listen to the article. Give the newly found planet an appropriate name.
Done already? Excellent! Mrs. O's Milkweed & Monarch Butterfly Mania web site lots to see, lots to do and lots to learn Explore Windows to the Universe - Why do the seasons change in some parts of the earth and not others? Pathfinder Science - "hands-on, minds-on" activities (student scientists not just science students)
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