Native Americans Comparison & Contrast Diagram Project

One way to learn more about groups of people is to compare and contrast them.

1. Complete the Comparison and Contrast Guide @ ReadWriteThink - online activity.

Next - Utilize what you have learned:

2. Compare and contrast the Native American people who live(d) in your region with another region's Native Americans by constructing a diagram like the one on the right.

Examine: housing, food, transportation, tools, clothing, education, culture, governance, current status - health

3. Summarize your findings in a well written, expository essay.

Compare Contrast Diagram Example

Consider this diagram that compares and contrasts butterflies and moths.
Note the structure. All the similarities are listed in the center of the chart. The differences are listed in columns on each side.

Gather the facts on:

a tablet or a notebook,
in a digital text doc. (txt) or
a word processing document(s).


These web resources will be helpful in finding facts about Native American Peoples of the USA.

Learn about the Dine yesterday and today

Visit the National Museum of the American Indian at the Smithsonian

Biographies of American Indians | Explore the Native American Women website | Zinn Education Project

The People of the Upper Missouri online exhibit | Wampanoag people | The Seminole People | Lakota Natives

NativeTech - Native American Technology and Art | Ojibwe people

"We learned to be patient observers like the owl. We learned cleverness from the crow, and courage from the jay, who will attack an owl ten times its size to drive it off its territory. But above all of them ranked the chickadee because of its indomitable spirit." Tom Brown, the tracker

Tech advice and Tips:

Make the diagram in a Draw program or in Word Processing using the rounded rectangle, line, and text tools.

Add at least 20 facts total in the columns. Center the text frames in each rounded rectangle.
Center the 4 titles. Use 1pt or 2pt weight settings for the lines.

Double chek your speling and keyboarding. Errorrs happen to the bets writers. ;-)

Coloring rules: Use pale background colorings in the rectangles.
When you use yellow colored text on a white background - no one can read it.

Remember that your audience must be able to read the information.


Native American Peoples | Outstanding Native Americans | Challenges of the Native Americans - pbl

Children of the Longhouse activities | The Birchbark House activities | The Winter People Internet activities

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