Make a Compare/Contrast Diagram using AppleWorks 6 Draw A diagram is a great way to organize information. This project will use the several tools and helpful features available in AppleWorks Draw. Word processing software has many of these draw tools, too. Level: novice to mid level user. This lesson uses AppleWorks 6. It can be done using earlier versions of AppleWorks. It can also be done using other Draw software or the Drawing tools available in Word.. |
Features: Duplicate - It makes an exact replica of the selected
object. Once the spacing is established by you, it will duplicate the
spacing, too. Grouping - Selected objects are stuck together
as though they are glued together. If you drag on any of a group, you
move all of them. Graphics grid and rulers - The graphics grid is
all the dots on the blank document. These dots help you orient objects
on the page. Arrow Keys - Use the arrow keys to position objects.
This avoids changing the shape of the object by accidentally dragging
a handle. Undo - Use the Undo feature to go back one step.
Go Edit .. Undo. or Command Key
.. z. It will only work one step backwards. Save frequently - Save regularly as you do this project. Go File .. Save or as we totally cool techies do go command key .. s.
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