
Explore Efficient Energy Uses

The Visitor Center at Zion Nation Park is located in a desert climate. It was designed to use 70% less energy than a typical building without costing more to build. Examine these reports on how this was accomplished. Consider the different methods used to conserve or efficiently use energy. Printer version

High Performance Zion Visitor Center - pdf | A Sustainable Buidling for the future - pdf | Efficient and Passive Solar at Zion

Method 1 _________________________________________________

Describe how it works



Used in your home now? _____________________

Used in your school now? ____________________

Method 2 _________________________________________________

Describe how it works



Used in your home now? _____________________

Used in your school now? ____________________


Method 3 _________________________________________________

Describe how it works



Used in your home now? _____________________

Used in your school now? ____________________

Method 4 _________________________________________________

Describe how it works



Used in your home now? _____________________

Used in your school now? ____________________

Method 5 _________________________________________________

Describe how it works



Used in your home now? _____________________

Used in your school now? ____________________

Method 6 _________________________________________________

Describe how it works



Used in your home now? _____________________

Used in your school now? ____________________

Method 7 _________________________________________________

Describe how it works



Used in your home now? _____________________

Used in your school now? ____________________

Method 8 _________________________________________________

Describe how it works



Used in your home now? _____________________

Used in your school now? ____________________

Method 9 _________________________________________________

Describe how it works



Used in your home now? _____________________

Used in your school now? ____________________

Method 10 _________________________________________________

Describe how it works



Used in your home now? _____________________

Used in your school now? ____________________

Identify one method of conservation of energy that could be used in your home or school.




Extra Credit:
1. Use your research skills to identify a form of Alternative energy NOT mentioned in the Zion Center site.

Can it be employed in your community?


2. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory has created a map that shows average solar radiation
per month over regions of the US. How much would your region receive?


How does this data impact the idea of adding solar energy to your home/office/school?



Raquel Redshirt is a teen who is solving a problem for her family using the sun.

Garrett Yazzie, 13, invents solar heater for his family's home

Do the - Energy Light bulbs compare/contrast Activity | Watch - One of the Alternative Energy videos

Wind Mill science project | Einstein's Letter | Gassing Up With Garbage

Renewable energy 101 video | The Big Energy Gamble - NOVA online videos

No Furnaces but Heat Aplenty in ‘Passive Houses’ NYT 12/27/08

Learn more about energy issues by doing the Alternative Energy Sources Project - pbl

Mapping Renewable Energy, Rooftop by Rooftop - Time, 12/22/08

The Sun - renewable energy source activity

Energy Korner | Energy Saver tips | Energy Information Office Official Statistics of US Government

Can We Run The World Off The Sun? NPR | Learn about clean coal technology

e2 icon series on PBS - Energy (Use the episodes drop down menu to see the videos) | Maine Solar House = already there

Energy Alternatives Exploration | Saving on Home Energy Use Activity | Considering Energy use of Personal Electronics

Energy Internet Activity | All about LED lighting | Smart Meter Plan to save on electricity

Internet Hunts / Nature / Computers / Puzzles & Projects / Pennsylvania Project / Problem Based Learning / Site map / Home

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2006 Cindy O'Hora Updated October 2021 email address
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License. 8/2007

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Aligned with Pennsylvania Academic Standards for Environment and Ecology

4.2. Renewable and Nonrenewable Resources A. Explain that renewable and nonrenewable resources supply energy and materials. • Identify alternative sources of energy. • Identify and compare fuels used in industrial and agricultural societies. • Compare and contrast the cycles of various natural resources.

10. A. Analyze the use of renewable and nonrenewable resources. • Explain the effects on the environment and sustainability through the use of nonrenewable resources. • Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of reusing our natural resources.

12. A. Analyze factors affecting the availability of renewable and nonrenewable resources. • Evaluate the use of natural resources and offer approaches for using them while diminishing waste.

National Educational Technology Standards for Students