When the first Congress met in 1789, they debated and passed 12 amendments. On December 15, 1791, the United States of America ratified ten of these amendments. They are now called the Bill of Rights. These web sites will assist you in answering these questions. U.S. Constitution - Bill of Rights | The Avalon Project at Yale - digital documents related to the American Constitution | Primary Documents in American History at the Library of Congress. | The Story of the Bill of Rights Videos | Liberty's Kids - We the People videos | Bill Of Rights Institute 1. Write the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
Give an example of how it applies to you.
2. Write the Sixth Amendment in your own words.
Give an example of when this would be very important to a person.
3. The Ninth Amendment was James Madison's answer to critics
of the list of rights he wanted to add to the Constitution.
4. The President frequently offers an opinion about legislation being proposed and debated in Congress.
5. It is argued that the U.S. Government's: reading of your
emails, listening to your phone calls
6. Federal law requires schools to tell students their free speech rights at school. What is your school's policy?
Extend your knowledge: Investigate Voting rights. 1. Abigail Adams urged her husband John Adams to remember the ladies when he served as the 2nd President of the United States. Unfortunately, the government chose to deny women the right to vote.
2. Which amendment(s) to the Constitution would be particularly important to Rosa Parks? Explain.
3. What argument was used to support the 26th Amendment?
Do you agree with it or dispute it? Explain.
How are Norman Rockwell's Four Freedoms emblematic of the Bill of Rights? - research then respond.
"As a man is said to have a right to his property, Done already? Excellent!
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