Margaret Corbin's grave marker bronze showing woman at cannon
Margaret Corbin's
grave marker

American Athenas, Founding Mothers & the Daughters of Liberty
"With ladies on our side, we can make every Tory tremble." Sons of Liberty

We often speak about the men who rebelled against England in the Revolutionary War.
Many women also supported the rebellion.
"They went to camp with soldiers. They served as spies. They organized boycotts of British goods.
They raised money for the troops. They petitioned the government."*

Research one of these heroic, exceptional women. How did she contribute to the cause of liberty?
Has she ever been recognized for her efforts?

Sarah Bradlee Fulton

Susan Livingston

Sybil Luddington

Phoebe Fraunces

Polly Cooper of the Oneida


Deborah Champion

Deborah Samson (Sampson)

Margaret Cochran Corbin

Abigail Adams

Mercy Otis Warren

Emily Geiger

Rebecca Flower Young

Polly Cooper

Martha Moulton

Hannah Barron

Prudence Wright

Prudence Cummings Wright

Penelope Baker

Rachel and Grace Martin

Anna Warner

Bailey Angelica Vrooman

Mary Hagidorn

Nancy Morgan Hart

Rebecca Motte

Martha Washington

Rachel Silverthorn

Lydia Darragh

Ester de Berdt Reed

Patience Wright

Rebecca Barrett

Elizabeth Zane

Nancy Ward

Martha Bratton

Eliza Lucas Pickney

Deborah Read

Franklin Laodicea

Langston Springfield

Molly Hayes

Anna "Nancy" Smith Strong

Catherine Moore Barry

Nanye’hi of the Cherokee

"It is not in the still calm of life that great characters are formed.
The habits of a vigorous mind are formed in contending with difficulties.
Great necessities call out great virtues." Abigail Adams

Challenge yourself: Women have played important roles throughout history.

* Research a Founding Mother from your state or territory. Make a web page or video telling about her and her contributions to your state or territory.

* Watch: Timeline Introduction to Benjamin Banneker - Make a timeline for the woman you research. ReadWriteThink - Timeline generator

* Did you know? July 2, 1776, New Jersey gives "all inhabitants" of adult age with a net worth of 50 pounds the right to vote. Women property holders have the vote until 1807, when the state limited the vote to "free, white males." When did women gain the right to vote in your community?

"Remember, all men would be tyrants if they could.
If particular care and attention is not paid to the ladies, we are determined to foment a rebellion,
and will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in which we have no voice or representation." Abigail Adams

"We may destroy all the men in America, and we shall still have all we can do to defeat the women." Lord Cornwallis, a British General

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All trademarks, copyright and logos belong to their respective owners. Posted August 16, 2006 Cindy O'Hora, UTD 3/2018

* Roberts, Cookie, Introduction. Founding Mothers The women Who raised our Nation, New York:HarperCollins Publications, Inc. 2004 page xix