Internet Hunts
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Wetlands Study Unit
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Water & Watershed Study Unit
Bluebirds Project

Wetland EcoStudy unit - Wetlands photos

A friend took these photos in South Carolina. Students may use them for projects and presentations.
Click on each image to see a larger version. Download the image to your computer by dragging it to your desktop. Then
Now add it to your project. Thanks! Do not link to the image here. Another set of wetlands royalty free photos

Project proposals:

1. Identify a photo that shows each type of wetland landscape. See Wetland Landscape key.

2. Select an image. Evaluate the environment shown. What kinds of plants & wildlife would benefit from it? It is good for people because....?
How might it be changed to improve its impact on the ecosystem?

3. Select an image. Which species of plants and animals would you anticipate finding there?

swans on pond

Pair of mute swans on pond in Myrtle Beach


swans feeding


swan and egret on retension pond

Mute swans can be highly territorial. This pair tolerated the egret in their pond

swan pair swimming on pond


swans feeding

swans swimming

mother duck with ducklings

Mallard followed by her ducklings

Why do I ask you that you do not link to these photos? - Web sites are charged by the volume of pages and images sent. Pages & images files are sent so you can view them in your browser on your computer. If you link here, you run up my bill and I have to pull down the page and images so the rest of the site can run. Since I am giving them away to you, there is no need for you to run up my web site bill. Thanks.

cattails Wetlands: Habitat / Mammals / Birds / Macroinvertebrates - Aquatic insects / Plants & trees / Amphibians / Conclusions

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Posted 6/2024 by Cindy O'Hora

Photos taken by Catherine Farr.