Oceans - a cause for concern

a Problem-Based Learning Project about the Oceans


Step 2 - What do you need to find out about the problems facing the oceans?

(Working in a group? Put the initials of the person assigned to find the fact/info)

List any ocean you missed in step 1.

What ocean is closest to your town?

How far is it from your community to the closest ocean?


What are the problems for the oceans?



How are people contributing to the problem?


Tip: As you collect the facts, write down how your community might be contributing to the problem.

Go get the facts. Each team member should be looking up a problem and getting similar important facts.

It will help organization if you made a worksheet with all the facts to find in a list.

Distribute the worksheet to each member. Remember to write down who is looking for each fact.

Main problem page
What you know
What you do not know
Worksheet example
Project examples
Problem-based learning

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Posted 8/2005 by Cindy O'Hora