large bee

Environmentalist Award

a Problem-Based Learning Project

Step 2 - What do you need to find out about environmentalists?

(Working in a group? Put the initials of the person assigned to find the fact/info)

What is an environmentalist?


Name some environmentalists, from your state, that you missed in step 1:


What info about individual environmentalist will be important to choosing one for the award?


As you collect the facts - rate each one's value. Is this fact a pro or a con?


Go get the facts. Each team member should be looking up one environmentalist and getting similar important facts. It will help organization if you make a worksheet with all the facts to find in a list. Distribute the worksheet to each member.

Remember to write down who is looking for what.

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What you know
What you do not know
Worksheet example
Project examples
Problem-based learning


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Posted 7/2004 by Cindy O'Hora