family moving

Dude, You Gotta Move

a Problem-Based Learning Project about Biomes

Examples of Presentation Projects:

A set of pamphlets/brochures one about each biome you considered. (Apple's Pages & MS Word have free templates)

A video or live commercial "selling" your biome choice

A computer based presentation like Apple's Keynote, Prezi or other software options comparing and contrasting the biomes you considered and explaining your final choice.

A web site about the different biomes you considered

Report cards for each biome considered

Posters on each biome - Poster Tips
(Make a poster using Excel
- teachertube video)

In the case of each project type - Be sure to explain your choice for your new home and explain why you preferred that biome.


1. Give facts

2. Give your choice

3. Explain and support your choice

4. Take credit and give credit

MLA Citation Maker

BibBuilder 1.3 (Free MLA-Style Bibliography Builder)

How to Cite a World Wide Web Pages & other sources

Multimedia Project Rubric

Main problem page

What you know

What you do not know

Worksheet example

Project examples

Problem-based learning

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2003 Cindy O'Hora All Rights Reserved Posted 10/2003, updated 11/2013