Milkweed and Monarch Butterfly

Monarch Migration

As though metamorphosis is not cool enough, did you know that Monarch Butterflies migrate?

Each summer the last generation of Monarch Butterflies fly south for the winter.

Monarchs from west of the Rocky Mountains migrate to mountains in California. Those east of the Rockies spend the winter in Mexico, Texas and Florida.

"The migration moves at a pace of about almost 50 miles a day, though there are some butterflies that have flown up to 80 miles in a day." The Monarch of Migration

Butterfly swarming

Learn lots about the monarch migration.

Watch this Monarch Migration video

orange bullet 23. How do they know when to go?


Molecular Basis Of Monarch Butterfly Migration Discovered



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Science Journal entry

March of the Monarchs

White spots on wings may help migration

Monarch Butterfly migration report - listen online

monarch butterfly adult

Millions of monarch butterflies annually fly thousand miles to reach a cluster of Oyamel pine groves about 70 miles square in central Mexico near Michoacan.

Digital Monarch Watch - create a real-time map of Monarch migration offsite

Miracle of Winged Migration

ivy rule

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