Symbols of the U.S. Government Activity Directions: Use the resources
at Ben's Guide
to U.S. Government to answer these questions for 1 building, 1 memorial
and 1 symbol. Name of building:
How many years has it been in use?
How is the building used? What goes on inside it?
One interesting fact is -
If I visited the building, I would -
Name of Statue or Memorial: Location: How many years have passed since it was dedicated?
What does it recognize, remember, or honor?
One interesting fact is -
If I visited this memorial or statue, I would -
Symbols: Name of the Symbol: When did it become official? One interesting fact is -
What is the symbol for your school or class?
Songs - Select one song from the list Title of the song: Name of the person who wrote the lyrics - One interesting fact is -
Have you ever sung this song?
What is the title of your state's song? Have you ever sung it? Should people be required to learn or publicly sing a national song or state song? Why or why not?
Explore: Which of the buildings and memorials listed on the Ben's Guide page have you visited?
Which one would you like to visit? Why?
Challenge: In a recent visit to the U.S. House of Representatives Jen and her classmates watched a session. It began with a person placing a big gold stick with a bird on top of it, next to the Speaker's desk. What is that "stick"? What is the purpose of this symbol?
"Learning is not attained by chance.
It must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence." Extras: A Note for Freedom reverberating through the centuries project Watch: Flag Symmetry video | The Right of the People to Rule by Theodore Roosevelt listen to the MP3 audio Founding Mothers and Daughters of Liberty | Bonus Army treatment and Veterans benefits today Watch the movie called Winter Patriots on the Mount Vernon web site. Exceptional The Lincoln Memorial enrichment | The Capitol Dome enrichment | The Purple Heart enrichment Lincoln Bicentennial | Government - What does a legislator owe you? | Who represents you? Explore your Civics Knowledge | Lady Liberty Tells Her Story - teachertube video Try the Naturalization Self Test online. Could you qualify to become a U. S. Citizen?
Explore: Civics & Constitution Projects, Essays, Elections & Voting, Quotes, Resources | Mrs. O'Hora's Pennsylvania Projects Internet Hunts / Nature / Pennsylvania Projects / Computers / Puzzles & Projects / Site map / Home Developed and posted February 2006 by Cynthia
J. O'Hora released to public domain to support civics education. Save a tree - use a Digital Answer Format - Highlight the text. Copy it. Paste it in a word processing document. Save the document in your folder. Answer on the word processing document in a contrasting color (not yellow) or font (avoid: , or other ornate artistic fonts).Save frequently as you work.Be sure to enter your name & the date at the top of the document. Submit via email attachment or class dropbox. Bad things happen: Save a copy of the response document for your records. Proof read your responses. It is funny how speling errors and typeos sneak in to the bets work. How to: Make your own printer ready paper answer sheet with lines. |