1. You might have been traveling in a car during the holiday
season. Check out the Seat Belt Use and Daytime Percent of Unrestrained Passenger Vehicle Occupant Fatalities, Figure 1 chart (graph). (PDF) By what percentage did the seat belt use rate change from 2000 to 2017?
Based on the chart, what impact has the increased use of seat belts had on passenger occupant vehicle fatality?
Consider the Seat
Belt Use Rate in State table.
Which state had the lowest rate for seat belt wearing?
By how much was the seat belt compliance rate in the highest state different from your home state's rate?
By how much did 2012 seat belt usage in your state vary from the 2006 usage figure?
Please, buckle up! 2. Diagrams are a great way to organize information. a. What is the topic of the diagram?
b. List two facts that the subjects have in common.
c. List one disparity for each subject. (What is a disparity? Look it up.)
d. Name something you could compare/contrast this way.
Just for fun - How to make a diagram using a computer 3. Become a fact "expert" on one game of the Winter
4. The most important thing that you can do to keep from getting sick is to wash your hands. Write three (3) examples of situtations where you should wash your hands. After handling animals or animal waste. + a. b. c. 5. What
is the NIST? (Use your online research skills to find it.)
b. Why is that important?
The taxpayer funded budget of NIST in 2013 was $1,406,000,000. By 2019 it had declined to $986 million. After the big snow storm, you decided to shovel snow to earn money. In the morning, you shoveled for 1/2 hour. Write a step by step explanation about how to add 1/2 + 5/8.
7. Do you have snow? Do you wish you did? Perhaps you
wish you didn't. For example, compare a blizzard and a squall. Would you say they are antonyms or synonyms?
8. Homonyms are words that are spelled and pronounced
the same, but have different meanings. Use this online dictionary to identify more meanings of the word - "draft". How many meanings did you find?
Use your online research skills to uncover answers: 9. He was born January 17, 1706. He was an author, a
publisher, a candlemaker, an inventor, a humorist,
What is his most famous experiment?
10. Just like the person in Question 9, Blanche Ames had many talents and accomplishments. Name 3.
Which one is important today?
11. Listen to Marissa discuss: Coping With An Autistic Brother: A Teenager's Take
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In the spirit of Thomas Paine - released to public domain by Cynthia J. O'Hora updated 12/31/2022, posted Dec 24, 2001 Save a tree - use a Digital Answer Sheet: Highlight the text of the questions on this web page, copy them - Edit .. Copy. Open a text document or word processing document. Paste the questions into the blank document. Answer the questions in the word processing document in a contrasting color ( not yellow) or font (avoid fancy fonts like: , Symbol, or . Save frequently as you work. I do not like losing my work. You will not like it either. Put your name and the date in a header. Bad things happen. Retain a copy of your work on your computer. Submit your assignment via a class electronic drop box or email attachment. Proof your responses. It is funny how speling errors and typeos sneak in to the bets work. Make Your Own Printed answer sheet |