Compare your Environmental Actions with another person Watch online - Earth Days - The Seeds of a Revolution @ American Experience. Discuss with your parent(s) or grandparent(s) or aunt/uncle or an older neighbor:
Now you answer the same seven questions about yourself. Compare the two sets of answers.
Based on what you have learned, what conclusons if any can you make?
“Something will have gone out of us as a people if we ever let the remaining wilderness be destroyed ... Internet Hunts / Computers / Nature / Plants and People / Puzzles and Projects / Problem based Learning / Home All trademarks and copyrights belong to
their owners. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License Save a tree - use a Digital Answer Sheet: Highlight the text of the questions on this web page, copy them - Edit .. Copy. Open a text document or word processing document. Paste the questions into the blank document. Answer the questions in the word processing document in a contrasting color ( not yellow) or font (avoid fancy fonts like: , Symbol, or . Save frequently as you work. I do not like losing my work. You will not like it either. Put your name and the date in a header. Bad things happen. Retain a copy of your work on your computer. Submit your assignment via a class electronic drop box or email attachment. Proof your responses. It is funny how speling errors and typeos sneak in to the bets work. Make Your Own Printed answer sheet Standards: |