U. S. Civics and U. S. Constitution
Projects - Essays |
Elections & Voting | Extras
| Quotes | Quotes 2 | Quotes 3 | U.S. Constitution |
Milestone Documents - The National Archives and Records Administration
(NARA) has assembled a set of documents that have had a significant
impact on the lives of Americans. It is a valuable resource for Constitution
Day activities. These activities can be useful in preparing
for the American History AP exam and for becoming an informed citizen. The Declaration of Independence: Voted #1 by THE PEOPLE |
S. Constitution | Articles
of Confederation | Bill
of Rights |
Wants To Marry A Founding Father? a lighthearted lesson about
those who drafted the Constitution. |
of Citizenship a Constitution timeline OUTSTANDING online multimedia
resource |
America and the Courts - CSPAN |
Themes and Essential Questions |
Prologue magazine brings readers stories based on the rich holdings and programs of NARA,
the regional archives, and the Presidential libraries from across the nation. |
Constitutional Law |
Publishing the Declaration - Library of Congress |
Exchange - A Marketplace of Student Ideas - This an online community site designed for high school students and their teachers. The Exchange is a free interactive student program hosted by the National Constitution Center and supported by the Annenberg Foundation which connects student from across the country to discuss important constitutional and political issues. |
Everyday Civics emphasizes the importance of citizen involvement in all levels of government and promotes
the study of state and local government among the Commonwealth's citizens. |
Spin - examine the crafted government message |
ConSource - At least 1,000 documents are available on the site, including James Madison’s handwritten notes of the Constitutional Convention the summer of 1787, the Federalist Papers, the Anti and Pro-Federalist Papers, letters written between Founders regarding ratification and the Bill of Rights, the state ratification debates for seven states, and the legislative history of the Bill of Rights. |
Electoral College - Mathematics
- offsite |
The CyberCemetery - an archive of government websites that have ceased operation (usually websites of defunct government agencies and commissions that have issued a final report. |
The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis |
Citizenship Today (ACT) Online |
E Pluribus Unum report - the American National Identity |
Capitol Visitors Center |
Inauguration resources:
Inaugural - Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies web site
Inaugural facts scavenger hunt
CSPAN Coverage of the Inaugural
Who said it? Famous Inaugural Quotes Quiz
Watch Videos of Famous Inaugurations
Inaugural Words: 1789 to the Present
Inaugural - Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies web site
CNN Student News - Presidential Oath |
Mission in Schools resources |
Day Lessons |
of Rights in Action |
Bill of Rights in the News Daily Headlines |
CSPAN Student Cam contest entries |
American Political Parties lesson - CNN Student News |
Constitutional Convention | Constitutional
Rights Foundation resources |
Bill of Rights Institute many resources and free lesson plans |
the American Experience in your community. | Veterans
History Project | StoryCorps
United States Constitution - Primary Documents Library of Congress |
Voices - Revolution Quotes | History,
Character, and the Future |
Read Robert V. Remini's "Ordinary
Heroes: Founders of Our Republic." HS |
Educational rap music - the other three r's WOW! check it out! |
Civics and Social Studies projects | Pennsylvania
Constitution lesson |
Articles of Confederation or The Articles of Confederation quiz |
Early America |
the KidsThe Three Branches and Me 3-5th
and Singing through the Bill of Rights 3-5th
- Frayer
Model Amend |
Amendment Song |
Amendment Poster |
A Bill Of Rights In Space 4-8th |
of Rights/Constitutional Rights
| Bill
of Rights 3-5th |
Day and Citizenship Day NSBA site |
fill-in-the-blank challenge | Bill
of Rights BINGO |
the Preamble of the Construction on Constitution Day or whenever
the spirit moves you! |
a Public Service Announcement supporting an aspect of the Constitution. |
for Constitution Day and Citizenship Day |
Constitution |
Voices Campaign Curriculum |
U.S. Constitution and the States a resource at the University of Texas |
First Federal Congress -
| Birth
of a Nation | The
Documentary History |
Faulkner Murals - Two large-scale murals in the Rotunda for the
Charters of Freedom at the National Archives Building in Washington
D.C. depict fictional scenes of the presentation of the Declaration
of Independence and the Constitution. interactive |
National Historical Park - Pennsylvania State House, Liberty Bell
Center |
Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation: U.S. Congressional Documents
and Debates, 1774-1875 |
Censorship and the Constitution |
Federal Judiciary - Constitution
online game |
You decide: Jefferson or
Hamilton. Who
had the more enduring vision? |
Political Cartoons in the Classroom |
Politics and Web Video presentation - how the Internet and Web based information is changing the nature of political discussion in the U.S.A |
The Electoral College Map activity at Congress for Kids |
Dubious Democracy 2005 |
Broken Government - Scorched Earth CNN |
FactCheck.org - holding politicians accountable Lesson plans learn how to check the facts. |
The Department of Defense ThinkQuest project |
Kids in the House - Office of Chief Clerk |
Lessons for Constitution Day and Citizenship Day, September 17 from the Center for Civic Education |
Center for Media and Democracy - PR Watch investigating and exposing public relations spin and propaganda |
What Good May I Do: Franklin and the American Civic Association grades 6-8 |
White House yesterday to today 3rd to 6th |
Listen to great documents in United States History |
Eyewitness to History |
A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation - Primary documents Library of Congress Web Guides |
I do solemnly swear Presidential Inaugurations Library of Congress |
Statue of Liberty Cyberhunt |
A Balancing Act - Our Three Branches Government webquest 5th grade |
Four Founding Fathers You May Never Have Met |
Social Studies lesson plans |
CQPress in Context - Constitution Day Resources |
Goodbye Bill Of Rights! - Students will enact a scene demonstrating life without one of the first ten amendments. |
The American Revolution - A "Revolting" Alphabet multimedia project |
Stand up for your Rights at the Library of Congress |
Freedom a History of US - a media rich site that explores many freedom issues in US history |
John Adams and the nasty game of politics video on TeacherTube |
American Experience - US Presidents online videos and other information |
Liberty or Death recreation of Patrick Henry's immortal speech | Patrick Henry @ Colonial Williamsburg |