magnifying glass

Internet Hunt Activities created by Cindy O'Hora

The Internet is an enormous collection of answers. The challenge is to find them. Completing an Internet hunt will develop your web browsing skills. You will learn lots of interesting stuff. You will harness powerful web site tools like databases to obtain fresh information. You will use this data to answer challenging, thinking required questions. Oh, what fun! Before you begin, broaden your web browsing skills by checking out my tips on Getting Back.

How to Use these activities: Create a link from your class/school web page to this index page or to the individual hunt page. OR Bookmark this site. OR You can type the address of a hunt page in the browser location bar. Answer forms: Do the Digital Answer Format OR Print the hunt for an answer sheet. OR Use the printer friendly worksheets. OR Have the students number down a lined sheet of paper. OR Consult the Make your own answer form how to.

Goldilocks Web tip: You can easily adjust your view of the text on a page. If you think the words are too small: Safari - Go: View .. Make Text bigger or Mac - hold down the command key command key and press the + key (plus sign) or Windows use Ctrl .. + key. Firefox - Go: View .. Text Size. Conversely, if you think it is too big do the same, but choose smaller or Mac command key .. - (minus sign) or Windows: Ctrl .. - minus sign key. Look for this feature on other browsers so you can make your view .. just right!

Featured Hunts:

February Facts Internet Hunt

February Civics Activity

February Civics Internet Hunt 2

Winter Facts Hunt

Outstanding African Americans Activity

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry Literature Internet Hunt

Presidential Facts Activity

Presidential Math - Explore the US Presidency by the numbers.


Air and Air Pollution facts updated 1/2024

Basic Body Internet Hunt 4th up

Bats are our Buddies - about bats

Bats Compare Contrast Activity

Bats - Frayer facts model - doc | pdf

Bio diversity Exploration Plant Investigation

Birds - learn about our feathered friends

Birds - Frayer facts model - doc | pdf

Oviparous Frayer model - doc. | pdf

Compare Contrast Bluebirds with another bird

Birds Exploration 6-9th revised

Birds of Wetlands Facts Table Activity

Bugs Hunt - 3-6 What's bugging you?

Invertebrates - Frayer Model doc. | pdf.

Bullfrogs & Amphibians Internet activity

Amphibians - Frayer facts model - doc | pdf

Vertebrate frayer model - doc. | pdf.

Wetland amphibians study unit

Butterfly and Moth facts hunt utd | Part 2

The Cell - Internet activity

Cell Type Frayer Model doc. | pdf

Chemistry and Chemists MS/HS

Cicadas Internet Activity

Considering Systems and Controls

Crude Oil is more than gasoline pbl

Drought Presentation - pbl

Earth's Layer s Online Activity

Eggs Hunt - primary

Oviparous Frayer worksheet doc | pdf

Eggs Facts Hunt - int/ms

Egg Math

Energy Alternatives Exploration

Energy Light bulbs compare/contrast Activity

Explore Efficient Energy Uses

Energy Facts Hunt - UTD 5/2024

Energy Savers Activity

Environmental Exploration Activity

Environmentalists Internet Hunt

Compare your Environmental Actions with another

Fishy Facts Hunt

Health Research Project ms/hs

Heart Facts Hunt utd 1/23 - also Heart idioms exercise

Infectious disease research project

Investigating Insects Hunt - insect hunt gr 5 - 8

Investigating Insects Hunt Part 2

Insects - Frayer Model - doc | pdf

Invertebrates - Frayer Model doc. | pdf.

Inventors and Inventions

Maple trees and Sugarbush

Milkweed and Monarch Butterflies

Moving Out Hunt - animal migration

Nests Hunt

Plant Parts Facts Activity

Plants - Frayer facts model - doc | pdf

Prairie Ecosystem Activity - fixed 5/2021

Rocks and Minerals fact hunt

Rocks - Frayer facts model - doc | pdf

Geology of Pennsylvania - Dig into it

Sagan - Reflect on this mote of dust essay

Scientific Method Activity - Try the Quiz

Screech Owls Activity based on the book by C. Lamm

Food Web Relationships - producer/consumer, predator/prey

Observation: Science skills builders: 44+ activities

September Science Internet Activity

Space Internet Hunt

Space Frayer Model - doc. | pdf.

Spring Internet Hunt

Sun - renewable energy source

Tree Facts Internet Activity - Leaf it to me! utd 2015

Trees Frayer Model - doc | pdf

Trees lineage activity | Tree Mapping activity

Water cycle, Groundwater, Fresh water activity 4-8

Learn about Watershed Activity - Try Lentic or Lotic Ecosystems

Weather Internet Hunt

Weather Event Frayer Model - doc | pdf

Women of Science Internet Hunt

Computer based Activities index has its own page

Hunts: Arts / Social Studies / Months & Holidays / Literature / Civics Projects and Essays / Problem and Project Based Learning

tiny gold star Frequently Asked Questions about these hunts. I do not provide answer keys.

I do not accept requests to add links.

tiny gold star Preparing Your Daughter or Son for the Next Century | tiny gold star Many thanks to WBRE for the feature article in Making the Grade.

A mind stretched to a new idea, never goes back to its original dimensions. ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes

Study Web excellence award

Web Wizard recognition

Adding Wisdom Award

Internet Hunts | Nature Focus | Plants and People | Computers | Puzzles & Projects | Pennsylvania Projects | Civics & History | Site map | Home

All trademarks, copyright and logos belong to their respective owners.
Updated February 1, 20245 Originally Posted 3/1999
Frequently Asked Questions

tree icon Save a tree - use a Digital Answer Format - Highlight the text. Copy it. Paste it in a word processing document. Save the document in your folder. Answer on the word processing document in a contrasting color (not yellow) or font (avoid Symbol, blackmore, brodfont dear or other ornate artistic fonts). Save frequently as you work. Enter your name and the date, in the header of the document. Submit your document via electronic dropbox or email attachment. Bad things happen. Always save a copy of your work on your computer. Or perhaps you have the resources to record verbal answers. If you do, be sure to first read / record the question. Then record the answer immediately after it.

Copyright ©1999-2024 Cynthia J. O'Hora. Feel free to link to or bookmark any individual web page. Educators and individuals may print a hunt, for use in a classroom setting. January 7th, 2007 - I have decided to release some of my works to public domain. Look at the bottom of a page to find the notice of copyright. I continue to retain a full copyright protection on the majority of my work. That is noted on the individual works. Use of the materials here constitutes an agreement with the Terms of Use.

Terms of Use: I am providing some of the hunts in PDF. You'll need a free pdf program to use them like Adobe Acrobat Reader or Preview. You may print the web page or the pdf copy for an answer sheet in a class.

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