1. Explore this site about George
Was George Washington really the first President?
2. Use the resources at Congress' web site to learn who represents you in the US House and US Senate. Write their names and the number of years they have served in this elected office.
What is the length of a U.S. representative's term in office? What is the length of a U.S. senator's term in office? Look it up: Compare these term lengths with the terms for your state representatives and senators.
What are term limits?
Which elected office(s) in the federal government have term limits?
Select one and respond: Should the length of the term of elected officials be changed? Explain.
Should there be term limits? Explain.
3. What is the US President's salary?
Compare this to the median personal income in the US - $57,406 in 2023. Do you believe this ratio is appropriate?
4. Who was the first woman to run for President of the United States?
When did she run?
What was her political party called?
What was her profession?
How did she seek to influence the treatment of people?
Who was the first woman who had a strong influence on a President?
How many women have run for US President?
Make a prediction: Will a woman be elected President in your lifetime?
5. Four men's faces appear on Mount Rushmore. Three of them still receive a lot of attention. One does not. What did he do that earned him a place on the monument?
6. On February 24, 1841, former President, John Quincy Adams, rose to argue before the Supreme Court. It was the case of United States v. the Amistad.
Do you agree with the outcome of the case?
7. When he was President, George W. Bush made 152 signing statements regarding over What is a signing statement?
Which part of the Constitution directs him to do this?
Investigate the issue regarding President Bush's signing statement on the Postal Bill of December 20th, 2006.
Extras: * A Young Boy's Stand on a New Orleans Streetcar - listen to the tale. What would you do?
* What is the purpose of Presidents' Day?
* February
29, 1504, a well known explorer used a celestial event to trick natives
into helping him.
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