Computers |
Positive Weather Reports Recent trends show that people in the United States are becoming disconnected from the outdoors. Some people suggest that the effects of this disconnection are magnified in America’s young people. Local organizations, state and city parks Bureau of Land Management lands and other public lands offer unparalleled opportunities for people to learn, exercise, commune, contemplate, recreate, collaborate and to serve. The governor of Pennsylvania convened a task force to identify ways to get people reconnected to the outdoors. The group crafted a report - Outdoor Task Force Report. One of their interesting ideas was ...
1. Observe and Evaluate
2. Craft a positive weather report.
3. Present your weather report to a group. Use props and/or images to add emphasis and interest. A plethora of weather related words. Use them to jazz up your report.
Extend your exploration: Great Outdoors Month event pbl | Why do Surveys? | How do you spend your time? Watch the movie about the issue of reconnecting with the outdoors. Speaker - Richard Louv, author of Last Child in The Woods. Examine how weather reports can impact human behavior - Philly flower show ends with million-dollar loss Philadelphia Inquirer, May 19, 2013. High Temperature records by State | Measuring & Observing Weather Phenomena | Precipitation and Population Weather Facts Internet Activity | The Math of Sufficient Fresh Water | Reading for Fun campaign
Internet Hunts / Nature / Computers / Pennsylvania Projects / Puzzles & Projects / Constitution & Civics Studies / Site map / Home posted 6/2008, updated May 2012 Save a tree - use a digital answer format - Highlight the text. Copy it. Paste it in a word processing document. Save the document in your folder. Answer on the word processing document in a contrasting color (not yellow) or font (avoid , or other ornate artistic fonts). Save frequently as you work. Or perhaps you have the resources to record verbal answers. If you do, be sure to first read / record the question. Then record the answer immediately after it. Make your own answer sheet. Proof your responses. It is funny how speling errors and typeos sneak in to the bets worck. Tech Tip: Working on this project in two different places, like the library & home? Perhaps you are working on a group project. You do not have to be physically together to work together. You can access your work from several places. How? Free Google Docs. Aligned with the following Pa
Academic Standards - Reading, Writing Speaking, Civics and
Government, Mathematics, |