The Scarlet Stockings Spy Quiz
The author of the book is
Jan Brett
Robert Papp
Betsy Ross
Trinka Noble
The setting of the story is
New York City, Kansas
Boston, Massachusetts
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Trenton, Delaware
The author writes "Philadelphia sat twitching like a nervous mouse." Twitching like a nervous mouse is an example of
The title of the book is an example of
"Uncertainty settled over the city like soot." This is an example of
What happens when there is too much air pollution
Drinking English tea was considered disloyal. So the patriots drank
tea made from apple peels
tea made from dried raspberry leaves
milk, water and root beer
frothy, mocha cappuccino with whipped cream and sprinkles
Maddy Rose's father
worked as an aide to General Washington
made musket balls from church bells and spoons.
was in France with Benjamin Franklin trying to get help from the French.
died in the Battle of Princeton.
How did Maddy Rose feel about her clothes?
She was happy to wear them.
She wished for fancy new white stockings.
She was proud of her hand knit, scarlet stockings.
She washed them daily because she only had one day's worth of clothes.
The signal for a war ship was
Two shiny red apples on the window sill.
A cobblestone in the toe of a scaret stocking hung on the clothesline.
A cool white petticoat hanging upside down from the low branch of the apple tree.
A straw hat hung over the knocker on the back door of the house.
Maddy's brother Jonathan is safe coming to the house because
he has a special pass written by Genreal Washington himself.
he rides a very fast horse.
he parachutes in on nights that have no moon.
he wears a different disguise each time he comes.
When the cannon kaBOOMS, Maddy Rose drops the tea cup and it breaks.
Her mother punishes her by sending her out to work with no breakfast or lunch.
Her mother says her father will bring a new one very soon.
She cuts her finger cleaning up the broken pieces.
none of the above
The battle described in the story takes place at
Brandywine Creek
Valley Forge
Maddy Rose went on an errand to the harbor. She saw something that really shocked and worried her.
Hundreds of Redcoasts were getting off a ship.
A pod of whales was eating all the fish.
Men were throwing crates of goods into the sea.
A British Man-of-War was moored there.
Maddy Rose keeps watch for her brother for many nights.
he comes and she warns him of the man-of-war ship in the harbor.
a stranger named Tom Paine gives her some papers to hand out. She sees the title of the paper is Common Sense.
her father comes to tell her how proud he is of how she and Jonathan are tricking the British.
a boy named Seth gives her a bundle that holds her brother's blue coat. She learns her brother is dead.
Night after night Maddy Rose works on a project.
She makes a map of Philadelphia harbour.
She glues back together the tea cup she had accidentally broken.
She makes a new dress for her mother to wear to Jonathan's funeral.
She makes an American flag using Jonathan's blue coat, her white petticoat and scarlet stockings.
During the bleak winter of 1777, Washington's army
stole food and supplies from British ships in the harbour.
suffered from cold and hunger at Valley Forge.
read books on warfare so they could win in the spring.
none of the above.
Maddy Rose's flag hangs proudly
in front of Betsy Ross's house
on top of Independence Hall
in front of General Washington's tent
from her clothesline on Appletree Alley.
How many people that Maddy Rose loved died in the Revolutionary War?
too many to count
The heroes of the story are
adults who help the Revoluntionary Army
all of the above
This book is an example of
science fiction
an encyclopedia
historical fiction