Fourth of July Celebration Plan You community's bicentennial is this year. The town council has decided to have a big July 4th celebration this year as part of the bicentennial events. You are part of a group of citizens who are planning the July 4th celebration. There are multiple goals for the event. One goal is to add a civics lesson to the event. Another goal is to include something about the history of your community or region. The state's travel promotion agency has suggested including a focus on local natural resources that people can enjoy. Finally, reach out to each age group - kids, teens, adults. Finances are often a challenge. Opt for low cost events that call for participation.
Consider incorporating something intriguing like a Geocaching site. National Register of Historic Places "Freedom has its life in the hearts, the actions, the spirit of men
Common Good | Life Around Here Digital Story | Look into Community's History | Civil Rights A Note for Freedom | Patriotic or National Song Photo Story | Government Spending - Charity Begins at Home What are Our Nation's Priorities? | What should be America's Mood? What is yours? Internet Hunts / Nature / Pennsylvania Projects / Computers / Pennsylvanians / Plants and People / Puzzles & Projects / Site map / Home Posted 7/2007 by Cynthia J. O'Hora This work is released to the public domain How to make a Digital Answer Sheet: Highlight the text of the questions on this web page, copy them - Edit .. Copy. Open a text document or word processing document. Paste the questions into the blank document. Answer the questions in the word processing document in a contrasting color or font ( not yellow, avoid fancy fonts like: , Symbol, or . Save frequently as you work. I do not like losing my work. You will not like it either. Put your name and the date in a header. Bad things happen. Retain a copy of your work on your computer. Proof your responses. It is funny how speling errors and typeos sneak in to the bets work. Make Your Own Printed answer sheet |