4th of juky Fourth of July Celebration Plan

You community's bicentennial is this year. The town council has decided to have a big July 4th celebration this year as part of the bicentennial events. You are part of a group of citizens who are planning the July 4th celebration.

There are multiple goals for the event. One goal is to add a civics lesson to the event. Another goal is to include something about the history of your community or region. The state's travel promotion agency has suggested including a focus on local natural resources that people can enjoy. Finally, reach out to each age group - kids, teens, adults. Finances are often a challenge. Opt for low cost events that call for participation.

red bullet starIdentify 6 events, for the Fourth of July celebration, that achieve these goals.

red bullet star For each activity/event - Which age group does it appeal to?

red bullet star Identify each event as high / moderate / low cost.

red bullet star How does it involve civics and /or local history?

red bullet star What methods would you use to promote each event?

red bullet star Identify five groups in your community that could help with the events. How would you solicit their assistance?

red bullet star If your community already has a Fourth of July celebration, how will you add to these events without competing with them?

Consider incorporating something intriguing like a Geocaching site.

National Register of Historic Places

"Freedom has its life in the hearts, the actions, the spirit of men
and so it must be daily earned and refreshed - else like a flower cut from its life-giving roots,
it will wither and die." - Dwight D. Eisenhower


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Posted 7/2007 by Cynthia J. O'Hora This work is released to the public domain

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