William Penn

William Penn Day - How will you recognize him?
a problem based learning activity

older william Penn

Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes Education (Title 24), ARTICLE XV. Terms and Courses of Study
(D) Special Instruction and Observances

"William Penn Day.
In pursuance to proclamation of the Governor, designating and calling for the observance of the birthday of William Penn, appropriate exercises with respect to the life of William Penn, the Founder and Proprietor and Governor of Pennsylvania, and the principles advocated by him in founding Pennsylvania, shall be held in the public schools and other educational institutions under the Commonwealth."

The Principal at your school has been approached by the town council. They would like your school
to share your William Penn Day activity with the whole community. She has chosen your class to
plan a William Penn Day event.

Plan an event about William Penn.

You need:

A goal or goals

A timeline for preparation and a date for the event.

A set of activities that is of interest to more than one age group. (Should others be honored with him?)

A budget

How will you let the town know about your event?


William Penn : Tried for Sedition - AwesomeStories.com

A Mover and a Quaker Library of Congress

Thomas Jefferson called William Penn "the greatest lawgiver the world has produced."

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Posted 9/2006 by Cynthia J. O'Hora This work is released to the public domain 9/7/2006

Proof the project. It is funny how speling errors and typeos sneak in to the bets work. smiling icon

Aligned with the following Pa Academic Standards - Reading, Writing Speaking, History, Civics and Government, Mathematics, History, Science and Technology
Aligned with the National Standards for Civics and Government