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little red and blue fish Fishy Facts Internet Hunt - Part 2
Directions: Use the colored links provided to find the answers to the questions. Use the Back button of your browser to return to this page.
Write the answer on your answer sheet.

4. Use the resources in Sea World's Bony Fish site and FishFAQ to answer the following questions:

(Note after your answer which website you used to find the answer (Bony Fish or FAQ)

What are the advantages for fish of living in schools?


Fish are cold-blooded. What does that mean?

Why do fish migrate?

Describe 3 fish that have unusual adaptations to their habitat.

Consider these fish adaptations. Which one would be helpful to you. Explain why.



5. When you go swimming you have to work hard to stay at the same level under water.
What organ allows fish to easily accomplish this?

Do all fish have this organ? Explain.

6. Check out the Fish FAQ at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute.
Write your favorite fishy fact.


Is it true for all fish or a unique trait of a few fish?




7. Salmon are anadromous fish. What does that mean?



Think about it - To protect salmon what must you safeguard?

8. How are some fish like fireflies?


9. Fish spawn. What does that mean?


Name another animal that spawns.

little fish Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

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developed & posted in 9/2001 by Cynthia J. O'Hora It may be printed for use in a nonprofit setting Updated 5/2013