example charater map

Make a Character Map for a character in the story

Authors give clues about each character as the story unfolds.
A character map can help you develop a mental picture of a character in a story.

Practice your computer draw skills while making a character map for a story using Word.

1. Landscape (The page is oriented sideways) File ... Page Setup … Sideways


2. In the Upper Left corner Type “Name:” Enter your name.

Return one time - enter “Date:” follow it with the date.
Repeat to add the title of the book and a section or course name as appropriate.

Save – I suggest you save after each step. (I hate losing my work. You will, too.)


3. Open the Drawing tools - Go View … Toolbars … Drawing
            Oops – If you do not like a shape you make, select it by clicking on it. Tap the Delete key.


4..  In Drawing tools (on the left margin) - select AutoShapes … Hexagon

Drag the cursor to make a hexagon near the left margin at about the middle of the page.

To move the hexagon - place the cursor over it and click. The cursor changes to a hand. Drag the shape.
(Or move it using the arrow keys.

Size: To increase or reduce the size of the shape. Place the cursor on one of the small hollow squares (handles) and drag.

Tip - Hold down the shift key as you drag, this will maintain the proportions, as you change the size.


5. Make a rectangle in the upper right corner of the page.
(follow the process above using the rectangle shape)

Make two more rectangles that are exactly the same.

To do this: With the white handles on Go Edit .. Repeat Insert AutoShapes. A second shape appears.

Repeat to make a third rectangle shape.

Use the hand cursor or the arrow keys to position the shapes down the right side of the page.


charater sample

6. Select a third shape. Create three shapes. Position them to the left of the rectangles.


7. Text Boxes – To be able to type text inside the shapes, you must create text boxes in them.

Click on the Letter A with the bar cursor beside it. The cursor will change to a cross.

Drag the cursor inside the shape. A box appears.

Click inside this area to begin to enter text.

To remove the border on the text box - With the text box handles on - Click on the Line Color icon in the tool bar.
Select No Line. Repeat in each shape.


8. Add the lines that “connect” the shapes –

Click on the Line tool. Place the cursor near one shape and drag to the next shape.

To add arrowheads to the lines – Go View .. Formatting Palette. Arrows .. End.


9. You can precisely Align the shapes

Hold down the shift key as you click on the shapes you want to align.

Go Draw tools (A with blue cube) Choose Align or Distribute. Choose the Alignment you want.


10. Use your vocabulary or this helpful Character Traits Vocabulary list to fill in the diagram.


Extend your thinking.

What I like about you letter or what I dislike about you letter.

Write a letter to the character you have described in the map.

Tell them what you liked or disliked about them. Use supporting facts from events in the book.


"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us."
Ralph Waldo Emerson, (1803-1882)

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All trademarks, copyright and logos belong to their respective owners. Posted 2007 Cynthia J. O'Hora

Aligned with:

Pennsylvania Academic Standards for Science & Technology, Reading, Writing & Listening.
National Educational Technology Standards for Students 
| AASL Information Literacy Standards