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Make your own card - final steps by Cindy O'Hora

12. To add a text message to the lower right quadrant:

Click on the text tool text tool button then click on the page in the right lower area to create a text frame. Enter the clever text your have composed for the message. Before your text line runs off the page, hit the return key one time. Don't worry about the text 's size, font, or style until you have the whole text entered.

Click one time to get the handles and make your text frame adjustments. By dragging on the handles with the cursor, you can resize the box to fit the space.


13. Centered text:

If you would like the text to be centered in the space do the following.

1. Get the handles on the text frame by clicking on it with the cursor.

2. Go Format...Alignment... Center. (This centers the text within the frame.)

3. Drag the handles of the text frame so that they are located at the four corners of the lower, right quadrant of the card. Your text will automatically be centered in that area. :-)


Remove the guide lines:

14. Before you print, be sure to remove the dividing lines by clicking on each one and hitting the delete key. Every new card maker is entitled to leave these lines on a few times, while learning the technique. So don't sweat it, when you forget them. Of course I've never done that. Oh heavens no, not me!

15. Remember to save coommand key symbol... s your card as you make changes and before you print!


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©1997 Cynthia O'Hora All rights reserved. Posted 11/13/97

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 Made with a macintosh